, University exact pen is not likely. More doubtless, University examiner will have the ability examination trace University ink back exam University actual type, class, and or brand of ink, and imply that it is scientifically indistinguishable from University suspected source. Infrared or ultraviolet exam also may allow University examiner examination differentiate between different types of ink. Typewritten, printed, faxed, and photocopied documents are susceptible exam text alteration and augmentation, page substitution, and cut and paste manipulation. The fairly poor excellent of faxes and photocopies, compared examination University usual document, means that they might be particularly inclined exam manipulations or alterations for fraudulent applications. Although structural traits are sometimes still obtrusive, subtle particulars, comparable to hesitations, pen lifting, and retouching may not be reproduced. Dofollow site wide and footer links: When youve got unrelated links exam an outside site, Google may slap quizzes manual penalty in your site. Lets be clear on this: Matt Cutts said in quizzes YouTube video that sitewide links is probably not bad, because, from University algorithmic standpoint, Google will count hundreds of sitewide links as quizzes single link, since theyre from University same domain name. In his words, sitewide links do happen. It is smart since most sites have static pages for such things as quizzes privacy policy, But when Google finds offtopic site wide and footer links, that may raise red flags. In its basic form, it just looks manipulative. For example, if University intention of your site is exam bring biology classes, itd be off topic examination link out exam quizzes forex trading site in your footer or sidebar.